Versions Compared


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This page includes content visible in app for Administrators after upgrade. Elements archived in app will be still visible here

Version 2.4.0 - 2021-11-18

  • Default Supervisor in Team
    In each Team there is a new option to set the default Supervisor, this person would be prefilled in the vacation document creation. Notify HR users about this feature and ask them to update team settings, to speed up the process

  • Ability to revoke tokens
    Calendar subscription access tokens for selected users can now be revoked by HR users in team statistics view

  • Advanced assigned days editing
    Now HR users can modify assigned vacation days for users and edit their carry over time

Version 2.4.0 - 2021-08-09

  • Integration with external calendars
    in Team Statistics users can generate special link, which can be subscribed in external calendar clients like Outlook. Users can also export current state of team calendar to .ics file. Check the example and share it with your users: Integrating Team Calendars with external calendars
